Pull a Room Together with a Great Area Rug

Legacy Classic, Samuel Frederick Fine Furniture Many people think of area rugs as a good "finishing touch" for a room. Actually, a rug is a great way to begin decorating a room since it can give you a good color palette to start from. But wherever you are in the decorating process, an area rug can bring fresh excitement to your rooms, add texture and warmth, and tie together various elements of your furnishings and accessories.

Area rugs effectively separate areas of a room - they can define a conversation area in the living room, a seating area in an office, or an eating area in the kitchen or dining room. They can separate rooms that have no defining wall and mark off areas by placing them on wall-to-wall carpeting. (Placing rugs on high traffic carpet areas is also a great way to extend the life of your carpeting.)

Throw rugs and area rugs provide an additional visual layer while adding warmth to your home. Layering in design is extremely important for creating depth. Whether an area rug provides the springboard for your color scheme or quietly accents the rest of a room's furnishings, the bottom line is that it makes a big impact.

Area rugs are available in a wide range of styles and prices to suit every budget, making it easy to transform a room from cold and dreary to warm and colorful in an afternoon. Consider these factors as you search for the perfect area rug to pull your room together:

Select a size

Klaussner, Simple Elegance Select a style Consider the materials / traffic Capel, Samuel Frederick Fine Furniture Color and pattern options

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